Source code for

from import OHLCData, OHLCDataCollection

[docs]class CandlestickData(OHLCData): """Data point that can be visualized in a :class:`CandlestickSeries <highcharts_core.options.series.candlestick.CandlestickSeries>`, featuring an x value, a high value, an open value, a low value, and a close value. """
[docs] @classmethod def from_ndarray(cls, value): """Creates a collection of data points from a `NumPy <>`__ :class:`ndarray <numpy:ndarray>` instance. :returns: A collection of data point values. :rtype: :class:`DataPointCollection <>` """ return CandlestickDataCollection.from_ndarray(value)
[docs]class CandlestickDataCollection(OHLCDataCollection): """A collection of :class:`CandlestickData` objects. .. note:: When serializing to JS literals, if possible, the collection is serialized to a primitive array to boost performance within Python *and* JavaScript. However, this may not always be possible if data points have non-array-compliant properties configured (e.g. adjusting their style, names, identifiers, etc.). If serializing to a primitive array is not possible, the results are serialized as JS literal objects. """ @classmethod def _get_data_point_class(cls): """The Python class to use as the underlying data point within the Collection. :rtype: class object """ return CandlestickData